"Club Racing" is the SCCA’s on-track wheel-to-wheel competition program, offered on a Regional, Divisional and National level. There are many ways to participate in club racing. Aspiring race car drivers can compete at local tracks (in our area this would include New Jersey Motorsports Park, Summit Point, and Pocono) against the area’s best amateur drivers. In addition to very competitive local race series, you can compete for Divisional championships and in National level races culminating in the prestigious SCCA Runoffs national championship. Race fans can also participate by volunteering at club races. People are always needed to help work corner flagging and communications (F&C) stations, timing and scoring, grid, pits, tech, and other positions that allow you to get closer to the racing action than just sitting in the grandstands. Training is provided on the job, so just introduce yourself at the next club race and we’ll find a spot for you!
For more information, see our Club Racing page HERE
“Solo” is the brand name for SCCA Autocrossing and on paper it seems very simple – use traffic cones to make a mini-roadcourse in a large parking lot or unused airport tarmac and see who can drive it the quickest without hitting any cones or going off course. Despite the generally low speeds attained during competition, it’s one of the fastest paced, rapid-fire forms of motorsports you can find, with barriers to entry so low that many people are able to compete and be competitive at it. Competitors range from the casual participant who may use the same daily driver that they car-pool with to the hard-core driver who has a special car, special tires and uses lots of vacation days to squeak out every last fraction of a second. In between the extremes, there are levels and classes for different degrees of car modification. There are even classes for ladies and also a Junior Driver program for kids in age appropriate karts. Whatever your level or car – there is a place for you in SCCA Solo.
For more information, see our Solo-Autocross page HERE
"RallyCross" is the most widespread and readily accessible form of extreme dirt motorsport in the Sports Car Club of America, and the perfect place to see if you have what it takes to powerslide your way to victory. Imagine a scaled down version of a rally stage laid out on a non-paved plot of land where the course is delineated by traffic cones instead of trees or rocks. The entry fees and equipment requirements are considerably less than those necessary to enter any other forms of performance rally, so in most locations one need only arrive at event registration with a sound, hardtop vehicle and the entry fee. Many SCCA Regions have helmets to loan and will assist the first time competitor with entering the appropriate class, making their way through technical inspection and finding their way around the course. Best of all, it's great fun!
For more information, see our RallyCross page HERE
"RoadRally" is a scenic drive with a purpose, a chance to enjoy a day with a friend, the least expensive form of motorsport. Because events do not involve speed, teams do not need specialized equipment for their car. RoadRally starts months in advance when organizers plan a route for teams to follow, determine safe and legal speeds for each portion and then write up step-by-step instructions on where to drive using distance, landmarks or even mystery-style clues for teams to follow. The goal of a RoadRally is precision, not risk. When the day of the event arrives, teams will compete to see who is the best at reading the route instructions carefully, following the route, and maintaining the assigned average speeds. RoadRally teams are made up of two people with one of them – the driver – keeping eyes on the road and the other – the navigator – reading directions, figuring out times and helping spot landmarks. Competition is measured by when teams arrive at precisely-measured checkpoints set up along the rally route where the exact arrival time has been calculated based on the designated average speeds. Penalty points are assigned if a team arrives at a checkpoint late or early. The further off the time, the more points the team gets and when the time comes to hand out trophies - the lowest score wins.
For more information, see our RoadRally page HERE.
"The TireRack Street Survival" program is an advance driving school for new teen age drivers and is intended to teach young drivers advanced car control techniques that they otherwise may not get exposed to in their early driving training. These techniques are intended to prepare them for many of the emergency situations they may encounter in their daily driving. The SCCA Foundation and partnered with the BMW Car Club of America Foundation and the TireRace so that local SCCA regions can bring this training to local teen drivers. The Philadelphia Region has been involved in hosting this program since 2007, typically holding between three and five schools per year.
For more information, see our Street Survival page HERE
The Time Trials program is designed to accommodate all types of cars - from street cars in the first-level instructional Performance Driving Experience (PDX) events to fully-prepared race vehicles in the Hill Climb formats. No matter where you are as a driver, Time Trials and Hillclimbs will challenge you by meeting you at your skill level. For those who have never sat behind the wheel while on a track, the PDX provides instruction in both the classroom and on the track, giving drivers the opportunity to improve their driving skills and increase their enjoyment of driving their street vehicle. When you’re ready to race against the clock in an even more challenging environment (and with a dedicated race car with all necessary safety equipment) Hill Climbs are a great choice. There are no more fences and no more grandstands. Full safety gear is mandatory as it’s just you, your car and a mountain road. Hill Climb events are run on paved mountain roads over short distances, and in the true spirit of racing, fast time wins.
For more information, see our TimeTrial-Hillcimb page HERE